
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Flow Wind Flow!

Wind is air that flows around us. Wind is a natural movement of the air. Wind is a flowing gases around us. Wind can be really wild.

If the wind the wind is very strong, it may cause a big tornado and rain.  When the wind is too cold, it causes us a cough and cold. Wind may move things around everywhere. Wind may move things around everywhere.

Wind is important because it gives us oxygen to breathe and gives us fresh air. Wind is all around us.

Wind is moving air. You feel it pushing against your body. It can range from gentle breeze to a big and a scary tornado.

Wind is very important because it balances the air around us so we can breathe comfortably.

Monday, 14 April 2014

The old stone cottage!

The Panmure Stone Cottage was built in the 19th Century. The cottage used to be where Mcdonald fast food is at the moment. It was relocated near St.Patrick’s School.In the olden days the cottage had no bathroom and no running water. People had to pump water or fetch water from the well.

The dining room of the cottage is full of old things from the 19th Century such as vacuum cleaner,  a carpet sweeper,old sewing machine,cast iron, typewriter, pots, and golden spoon and fork. The dining room is only small  but they had all the things they needed to survive. The dining table was set nicely with all the cutleries like plates, spoons and forks and cups. All of them had flower designs.

The tools from the cottage are very old. The saws were used to cut some trees and some of them are very long and some of them are short. The washing machine is just like a cotton candy maker and it was not run with electricity. And they used cast iron to iron their clothing because there was no electricity.

The living room or receiving room for when they had visitors look small but cute. There are also very old things which they used to decorate it so it would look pretty. It has a fireplace, an old bible on the table, old photo frames on the wall, a big mirror, old lamps and some candelabras to put their candles in which they would use for their light.

It is very important that we maintain the Panmure cottage so the people can learn about the 19th Century life and what had happened in the old times.

Two big bubbles!

WALT compare similarities and differences between Panmure & Glen Innes

Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I can list the things that Panmure and Glen Innes have in common.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

The natural satellite in space!


The moon shines when the sun goes down and when it gets darker and darker. The moon reflects rays that come to it from the sun. During the day the moon will not shine because the sun is more brighter than the moon. Our moon is the fifth biggest planet in the solar system.

The moon has a shapes of its own. sometimes it has quarter moon, half moon, full moon, it depends how it changes.The moon has big holes like a volcano crater because the moon were hit by meteor.

low tide occurs roughly at moonrise and high tide with a high moon and causes a combined effects. An eclipse will only happen when the sun and moon will come together it will become darker and when the sun and moon separate the sun will turn bright again  .

The moon is the easiest to find in the solar system. And when the astronaut lands on moon it takes 27.3 days from the earth to the moon and when they landed it has no air and no gravity which means that you will float around.

We need a moon so we can have light during the night.

The time of confession

WALT understand Reconciliation.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I can explain the process of Reconciliation.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Why do I hear my heart beat?

Why do our heart beat?
Hearts beat when we run fast and jump many times. If you stop, your heartbeat slows down and you might get very thirsty so that’s why you should drink water and then rest for a while.

Some people die from heart attack, stroke or heart problems. Some people eat too much fatty foods, food with lots of preservatives,food colouring, lots of salt and lots of sugar which is not good for your health and your heart.The heart has to work really hard to pump blood and oxygen around the body.And this can cause a heart problems or heart troubles.
Heart is the very important part of the body because we will not live without it so that is why we should take-care of it.If you do not take care of you heart and just keep eating junk food and playing video games and not eating vegetables, you might have a heart attack when you grow old.

We take care of our heart because without it we will die.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Do you want to know how people respond to God?

WALT respond to GOD. I know I can do this because I can give examples of ways to respond to God.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Why do we hear sounds?

When someone talks, you will hear some sound waves flowing around you as they vibrate through the air in the surroundings its making you aware of what is happening around you.

The sound waves are all collected by the outer ear and travels through the ear canal and pass through the eardrum and then it sends messages to the brain telling you what kind of sound it is.

The brain understands the messages sent through the nerves in the inner ear and it helps us to understand and do what our brain is asking to do.

When you use a used  ear-bud the germs of that person will go into your ears and the germs will go through your ear-canal and it might damage your ear.And you should get a check-up by the doctor and get a proper medicine to feel well.

We need our ears to hear some sound waves or vibrations.