
Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Counter Strike : Global Offense

Image result for csgo
On the time of recess, my brother and I decided to play a team based, competitive, a strategy game that includes lots of shooting and planning. The game CS: GO or also known as Counter Strike Global Offensive is a popular game amongst players who are looking for the thrill and the ecstasy of agony amongst your most hated foe.

My brother that I seemingly decided to keep his name anonymous, was a professional at Counter Strike Global Offense, scoring a whopping 600+ points within his first 100 hours in the game. We versed each other in a popular map known as De_Dust 2. This map is played by thousands of players on a daily basis.

The game has begun. I was thrilled yet terrified at the same time. I knew my brother would go for headshots because it’s the only way to inflict the most damage on an enemy as much as possible. So I'll have to make a plan, in the first round you get to buy weapons such as armor, helmets and certain types of the gun with unique features.

Me being the petrified teammate bought armour and grenades and used it within the first round securing the win for Terrorist (My team). We’ve played this game for over 30 minutes now and it is tied. First, to 16 points win. Both teams tied with 15. It was dreadful, there was one person left in each team.

A flashbang was thrown to blind the enemy guarding the site (Place to plant the c4 in) The Counter Terrorist looked away. But the swiftness and astounding timing of the Terrorist ended the last person’s misery by a shot through the head face with a sniper. Winning the game for the Terrorist.

The game’s result ended with a few Good Games and some frightening inducing rage. But in the end, we all had a good time.

We are learning to add detail to our main ideas and use a range of topic and sophisticated vocabulary to help our readers build an image in their head.

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