Five minutes later. We finally reached top of the mountain. We all stood on top of a huge red and white mushrooms and took six photos of ourselves. I hopped on it then played tag, then we went back to the car and went to the beach for more photos. There were lots of dogs walking with their owners. Some of the people were swimming. Although it was only afternoon, I was alreading feeling cold and thought I was going to freeze. So after we went back to our friend’s house again, then ate again.
I ate a delicious hamburger and some apple crumble. Then we all watched adventure time which was so awesome! Later on, the adults got bored and they want to watch a crime, action movie. I wanted to watch it but it was time to go home.
That was the yummiest burger ever! I wish I can go back just for that burger!
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate verbs and adjectives in my recount.
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