I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Geology Movie
We are learning how to... Use the inquiry to find out about geology and how it affects the ecosystem.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Friday, 8 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Practice Graduation Day
Today in school we practised our graduation day for the real one coming in two days. I was given a crucial part which is having to hold on a bible from the entrance to the priests in front of the altar the book will be placed meticulously in front of the altar and behind the priest.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Advent Calendar
Walht: design a digital message to remind people about the begginning of advent.
Advent is a time to prepare and wait for the birthday of our Lord Christ our saviour held in December the 25th.
Go to this link at December 25th: Link
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
The Gifts of God
Gift of life
At the moments of their conception
God begins a relationship with each person
A person's soul
permeates who the whole person is
God breathes life into
A person's soul which will never die
The soul is the gift
by which people are connected.
Each person is a
unique and sacred work of art created by god
Parents give the gift of the body
but God creates the soul that gives life to a person.
Parents gave me the gift of the body and God sent a soul that gives life.
The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Genesis 2:7
Walht: Identify how the soul is created by Te Atua
Monday, 13 November 2017
The Gifts of Body and Soul
Walht: Group and classify examples that relate to each of the four dimensions of the human body.
Through the gift of the four dimensions passed on by God, we realise the things that makes us humans.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Friday, 29 September 2017
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Last day of Technicraft!
On the last day of tech, our class had to construct a game or an animation within the platform known as scratch. This platform allows people to do stuff such as animations, games and quizzes. Scratch is a site with thousands of users filled with creative and clever people.
If you are intrigued by this child-friendly site and want to explore and experience it for yourself. Here is the link: Scratch.
People inside our room were coding and a person by the name of Glen recently created a 2nd person shooter zombie game. The game contained materials and images from a game known as SAS 4. Another scratch user by the name of Eugene has managed to create a 2nd person shooter that is related to viruses/disease and what they do to your bodily functions. If you want more details for Eugene's game, go to this blog (Game).
John, Shivay and Cameron produced a scary maze game which is a remaster of the original one found on youtube. I remixed and modified a popular game known as galaxy attacker to a more appropriate and friendly atmosphere.
If you are intrigued by this child-friendly site and want to explore and experience it for yourself. Here is the link: Scratch.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Kappa Pride - The Juggernaut!
Long ago, behind the gigantic radiant tree. There was a clan that wore genuine masks. They are amazingly skilled at using their swords/katanas. They practice and duel each other each everyday. A strong and fearsome warrior from the clan, known as the juggernaut was a young strong leader who led their village to safety 50 years ago. An angel like courier flew up to juggernaut and notified him to go to Keeper of the light because there was an urgent news that was crucial for his village’s safety. Juggernaut fled from the village and went on his way to the heaven’s gate.
Keeper of the light was an old man who rode a white horse and was equipped with a staff rumoured to be given by God himself. The juggernaut asked him, “What’s the news?”. Keeper of the light responded, “Abbadon, the destroyer of villages is heading for your village and will cause havoc.” Juggernaut ran back to his village as fast as he can without hesitation.
Once he arrived in his village, he spotted fire all over their huts, frozen clan members and blood everywhere. Juggernaut was furious, he will seek revenge to Abbadon. But he realised that his clan is on the brink of extinction, so he decided to be prepared before going out and kill Abbadon once and for all.
The noble warrior went to their closest allies’ village. He arrived there as fast as he could. Upon arrival, he saw destruction and houses trembling down and his best friend wounded and bleeding to death. His best friend said, “Avenge me and our village.” Juggernaut cried and raged even more. Juggernaut asked his best friend, “Go find omniknight, he’s abbadon’s former foe. He should have enough knowledge of Abaddon's weaknesses.” He replied, “But where can I find this omniknight?” His friend pointed on a mountain that had an ancient cave vibe on it.
The vengeful warrior packed his items and went on his way to the 100-kilometre walk. The juggernaut had walked over lots of different terrains, from snow to dry land. He fought lots of opponent along the way. Like a gigantic boar, satyr, a centaur and more. He finally arrived at the stairs of the mountain. The height of the mountain is higher than Mt Everest. The juggernaut was exhausted but he persevered. When he arrived on top of the mountain he saw a young blonde man meditating inside the cave.
The Juggernaut asked him, “Are you omniknight? The former enemy of the Abaddon?” The young man replied, “Yes, I am omniknight and who are you?” The warrior took his sword and sliced the small rocks in a blink of an eye. Omniknight said, “Ahhh Juggernaut I’ve heard many stories of you, what do you seek from me?” He answered, “Does Abaddon the destroyer of villages have certain weaknesses and what is his spells?” Omniknight placed his hands below his chin and started wondering. He said, “Abaddon has a spell that creates a shield for himself that absorbs the damage and then will reflect the damage given to him back to his foe.”
“But then, how do I avoid it?” replied Juggernaut. Omniknight took his hammer and then smashed a giant rock. A glimpse of light and running water was in sight.
Behind the rock was a wonderful place to live in. It contained freshly grown plants. Some angelic like creatures and a lot of light. Behind the waterfall was a tablet that contained ancient words that only Omniknight can understand. The young warrior red out the important details of how to defeat that wretched monster. He said, “The only way to get over that shield is to avoid attacking him and wait for the shield to wear off.” Juggernaut answered Omniknight’s question, “Is that the only ability he has to offer?” “There is an ability that he uses when he starts losing the battle,” says Omniknight. “What is it?” said the determined warrior. The omniknight has a serious face and punched the rock. “I almost destroyed him once and for all; but a blue foggy smoke came from his back and once I attacked him, he was regenerating and his wound healed. I attacked from behind but his severe wounds started healing up even more.” The omniknight didn’t want to talk about it. Omniknight advised Juggernaut to watch at the smoke and avoid hitting him at all cost. The Juggernaut left the cave. But he was told that he had to go through the dire base. Abaddon would be sitting on his throne and giving orders to his slaves.
To be continued…
Monday, 28 August 2017
Green House Gas affects economy!
Have you ever wondered how greenhouse affect a country's’ economy? If so read more!
As you know, the main news in local newspapers or on the television, greenhouse gases causes global warming which can lead to horrifying consequences. From higher sea levels, confusing temperatures in water and land dehydration, but did you know that global warming drastically affects economy which may cause poverty and hunger for already struggling countries and this is how.
Global warming melts the ice caps of the Arctic leaking cold and frosty waters onto the equator or the tropic regions damaging the biological sea life found in the ocean due to the immense temperature change. Killing fishes which disrupt the food chain that can lead to dire outcomes. No fish to sell and export, thus ruining sea life dependent countries’ economy.
Higher sea levels mean lesser land, sinking isolated islands in the process. Lessening the land space drastically may affect tourism that can devastate countries that require tourism for their nation to grow.
The hotter temperature, the more delay the crops growing due to the dehydration of the land. Preventing them from selling their native fruit to more wealthy countries, this will ravage exportation dependent countries’ wealth.
Now you know the effects of global warming, from slowing down progress for some struggling countries to ruining their economy. Greenhouse gas is a grim process which leads people to poverty.
Walht: write the features and structures of an explanation.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Scripture Connect
Jesus taught in many places and used a range of strategies to teach his messages
Find the scripture and use information in the reading to complete the chart below.
Scripture Reference
Teaching Characteristic
Matthew 5:1-11
Clear message for people to think about
Matthew 13:54
His hometown and synagogue
He taught in miracles
Mark 2:1-2
Preaching the word to the large crowd.
Mark 4: 1-2
By the lake
Taught them in parables/stories
Mark 1:21-28
Synagogue in Capernaum
Taught people through miracle and humility
Luke 7:36-50
Pharisee’s house
Relating to the people and teaching them a lesson through a story.
Luke 24: 13 - 35
(seven miles of Jerusalem)
Listening to people carefully and relating to them
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Birthday Party!
The wind was roaring with fierce, spewing blistering cold wind to our
vulnerable exterior a.k.a skin. The welkin was darker than a silhouette painting, making the road nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. The destination to the party with my family and cousins was more tedious than observing grass mature. After what seemed to be an eternity we finally arrived in Silverdale and entered their birthday house shortly afterwards.
Once everyone made their way to the party, we hastily commenced prayer because we were all so famished from the long trip. Once we started on munching and crunching our food which includes a variety of sweet, sour, salty and spicy. The prime meal was lechon (Stuffed Pigged) aside it were sisig (Pig’s Head), pancit, (Noodles) and for dessert waffles and kutsinta (Muffins).
We made our way to the living room and idled inside spacious finite room continuously watching high quantities youtube videos, using the television. The enigma of a person that we have never knew about started playing slime themed asmr (Autonomous sensory meridian response) videos. These types of film is about people touching slime to create a tingling sensation in the spine or in the brain. But we never felt the sensation, so we skipped and swap videos into Korean K-pop and left it for 7 more recordings on the same topic. The party goers was starting to get annoyed so cousin John played Skrillex a popular musical artist that specialises on the music subject known as dubstep. The music was giving an alien like vibes. Each note was better than the last, though there were barely any lyrics.
The dead of the night is getting late and darker, we decided to watch some good’ol classical Charlie Chaplin for old time sakes. A comedy boxing match might just do the thing, The short film was legendary! My family which includes me called it a night and rode a car back home.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Physical and Chemical Changes!
A little quiz of chemical and physical change!
You want to know the difference between physical and chemical changes?
You’ve came to the right place!
Scroll down
Physical changes are exactly what is sounds like. You make a change of the item physically and it’s properties and name doesn’t change. E.g if you cut wood, it's still named a wood. You haven’t created diamonds or wood planks.
A little quiz of chemical and physical change.
Glen and Cameron talking about endothermic reactions
A brief explanation of the differences of endothermic and an exothermic reaction. This video was proudly represented by Glen and Cameron. Go check their content in their blog.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Mysterious Phone Call
Nothing could prepare me for the next message that I found on my phone this morning.
This morning I received a dreadful and breathtaking text message from an anonymous entity that managed to get access friend’s phone named Durv. It said, “01010111 01100001 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01101010 01101111 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100110 01110010 01100101 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101001 01100110 01110100 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 01100001 01110111 01100001 01111001” Which meant, “Wanna join my free giftcard giveaway” in binary. But it had a catch, Full of alien like font that means get a sacrificial subject and head to a particular sketchy place. Nowhere to be seen in Loogle maps. What made it more scarier today is 2017 and it was sent in 2069. “Does that mean aliens invaded the our terrestrial planet in the future?” I said to myself
I replied by saying with doubt and fear, “Sorry, but no thanks.” The out of this world entity and possibly an abomination said in full caps with tons of exclamation mark, “ H0W D4R3 Y0U!!!!!!!!!” The phone screeched with a distorted and unsatisfying sound. Me shrieking in fear immediately rushed outside killed one of my chicken and went to the living room.
I saw Durv drunk and unconscious from all the drinking. But dog paws foot steps found on top of the phone showing where the message were sent. “Hah, dumb dog. Although I killed this chicken for nothing, at least it’s nothing serious.” I went upstairs with relief and to the bathroom. I saw Keemstar our dog bleeding out! Me being a squeamish adult fainted in fear.
Gasp! “Ugh, I'm in bed? Guess it was just a bad dream.” I stood up and got my phone and saw the exact same messages. Then me being the curious George swiftly scurried downstairs to notice that Durv and the dog was dead!
To be continued!
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Global Cyber Attack
As part of our independent reading programme we use Kiwikidsnews to learn about news in New Zealand (national news) and around the world (international news). 
Walht: Read closely to analyse an article and to think critically about the messages within them.
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
- This cyber epidemic is global and affects all people.
- "Doctors turned away patients and canceled appointments."
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
- A ransomware known as WannaCry locks your folders and then asks for 300 bitcoin to unlock your files. (783359.66$ NZD in total)
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
- This horrifying event happened in many countries around the world.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
- This epidemic took place recently in May 14, 2017.
- I think this ransom will get awareness preventing people from accidently getting their computer’s files locked.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
- Who ever created this ransomware must’ve wanted to ruin’s people life. Because according to the news doctors stopped their appointments and had to turn people away because of this malware.
The World's Oldest Family
As part of our independent reading programme we use Kiwikidsnews to learn about news in New Zealand (national news) and around the world (international news). 
Walht: Read closely to analyse an article and to think critically about the messages within them.
1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
- Leo (One of the family members of the Donnelly family) said, “My dad, died young.”
2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
- The Donnelly family now holds the guinness world record for the oldest family in the world consisting people from the age of 70 to 100.
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
- This mind blowing event took place somewhere in Northern Ireland.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
- This exciting event occurred in May 15, 2017 when their record was written inside the World Guinness Book of Records.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
- They must’ve shared a secret to live longer than an average person.
- I think this record won’t be broken for a very long time.
Friday, 12 May 2017
Bubble inside a bubble?
As you know from my last explanation, a bubble contains air, detergent, air, detergent, air. This combination forms a levitating sphere like object that contains lots of variety of colours. But is it possible to blow a bubble inside a bubble? Let’s talk about that.
When blowing through a straw, you force air to penetrate into the solution (detergent) which then generates a pocket of air inside the newly formed bubble. Then inner air pocket gradually tries push out. While the outer layer of the bubble the tries to push in, which is most likely caused by the common air outside the exterior of the bubble. Forming the elastic sphere shape.
Blowing individual bubbles inside each other is quite feasible. Due to the tension of air being pushed in and out. So once you blow your first bubble and blow your second one inside it. Both bubbles will expand in size due to the air you're forcing inside the interior. Making it eligible for more miniature bubbles to form inside the original one.
If you have successfully made lots of layers of bubble. It should look something like this.
Walht: conduct a scientific investigation recording and discussing observations and results.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Counter Strike : Global Offense
On the time of recess, my brother and I decided to play a team based, competitive, a strategy game that includes lots of shooting and planning. The game CS: GO or also known as Counter Strike Global Offensive is a popular game amongst players who are looking for the thrill and the ecstasy of agony amongst your most hated foe.
My brother that I seemingly decided to keep his name anonymous, was a professional at Counter Strike Global Offense, scoring a whopping 600+ points within his first 100 hours in the game. We versed each other in a popular map known as De_Dust 2. This map is played by thousands of players on a daily basis.
The game has begun. I was thrilled yet terrified at the same time. I knew my brother would go for headshots because it’s the only way to inflict the most damage on an enemy as much as possible. So I'll have to make a plan, in the first round you get to buy weapons such as armor, helmets and certain types of the gun with unique features.
Me being the petrified teammate bought armour and grenades and used it within the first round securing the win for Terrorist (My team). We’ve played this game for over 30 minutes now and it is tied. First, to 16 points win. Both teams tied with 15. It was dreadful, there was one person left in each team.
A flashbang was thrown to blind the enemy guarding the site (Place to plant the c4 in) The Counter Terrorist looked away. But the swiftness and astounding timing of the Terrorist ended the last person’s misery by a shot through the head face with a sniper. Winning the game for the Terrorist.
The game’s result ended with a few Good Games and some frightening inducing rage. But in the end, we all had a good time.
We are learning to add detail to our main ideas and use a range of topic and sophisticated vocabulary to help our readers build an image in their head.
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