One Wednesday, all of the Manaiakalani schools went to Pt. England Reserve near the shore to welcome our visitors from Hawaii. Our school sat next to Pt.England School. After sitting down, we all waited for the waka (boat) to come in. The waka was a little bit bigger than I imagined and it was white and brown.
When the Hawaiian visitors came onto the shore, all the leaders sand the Haka with threw dance movements. Then we sang He honore but that was a little bit awkward because it was echoed. After the awkward moment we all all sang Nga Waka and it was perfect!
Then all the Hawaiian people responded by singing a song in language. Since I was not born Hawaii, I couldn't understand it. After the song the leader of the visitors talked to us. We were on T.V! Wooho! It was like dream come true.
After the speech a man told us that we were all going to high give the Hawaiian visitors. There were around 2,000 student there. After that, we went to our bus (Murphy) and other school walked back to school. When we got back to school, we had our morning-tea.
I thought the waka (boat) would be small but it was actually quite big! I didn't understand the responses, so next time I might ask someone that might may be able to help me understand it better!
WALT use language features in my recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write verbs and adjectives in my recount about my trip.