Holy Week:
Holy week is a marvelous and special week that represents the events that had occurred to Jesus from him being greeted and praised on Palm Sunday leading to the crucifixion. This week begins on Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
Jesus being saluted by his followers with palms upon the arrival of Jerusalem. Later on, commanding his followers to burn the palms.
His followers
Palm Sunday:
Excited about the fact Jesus is arriving to Jerusalem.
Easter Sunday:
People are happy and sad at the same time because it is the death of Jesus yet the salvation of the human race.
Donkey is highly symbolic because it represents of humility and Peace
Palms signifies the symbol of peace and victory
Jesus will resurrect from the dead in Easter Sunday.
Palm are burnt for ashes.
The red and white in ashes signifies the blood and inconvenience Jesus went through for our sins.
What happens after Palm Sunday:
Thursday Last Supper
Washing off the feet Last Supper
First Eucharist Last Supper
Jesus drove out the people who were selling and buying temple.
WALHT: identify how Christians celebrate Holy Week.
Holy week is a sacred solemn week for Christians.
Through their liturgical celebration - people walk with Jesus and each of the events that he suffered during his final week on Earth.’
This liturgies draw together, as followers as Christ. We are drawn as Te Whanau ta Karaiti into to these events. (Stations of the Cross). As if each one of us were actually there. By being part of the activities such as stations of the cross, we are sharing the part of the life and love that Jesus himself gives us.
Holy Thursday
Jesus and his friends gathered together, what we now know is the Last supper.
Jesus gives himself to them to all those who gathered for the last supper.
Jesus gives himself to the Eucharist.
He tells them, “Do this in memory of me.”
He gives his love Aroha in service model by washing of the feet.
He tells them, “Follow this example of loving service to serve others. ”makitanga
Good Friday
Jesus gives his love and life and on the cross.
He gives Mary to John as his mother.
He forgives all those who has sinned against him.
He reconciles them with God. (Jesus asked God to forgive people who has done wrong to him.)
He gives the gift of passing to them through death to life.
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