
Sunday, 16 April 2017

Water worries

We are learning to identify and discuss the main ideas in what we read to inform our reader audience
Main Idea:
  • To persuade others To create awareness
  • To remind people
  • To prevent people to stop.
  • To create awareness

Can we make water?
Maybe we can filter out the dirty parts of the water turning it into drinkable water.

Problems in the river in page 43
  • Animals might drink water filling it up with bacteria.
  • They might poop giving bacteria, affecting the river and the ocean that is connected to that river.
  • Disgusting liquid waste found from factories.
  • Water Cycle
  • Signs


Ah, Water these simple but crucial liquid is used a lot amongst our everyday life. But humans had a major impact of the quantities of usable water. So Rachael McMillan had created an article to prevent, persuade, remind and create awareness to save our water supply. This article points out the importance of water, how Earth gets its infinite amount of water and how we impacted on the Earth’s water supply.

The main problems that Manawatu River is currently facing. That may lead to dreadful consequences are caused by anything from blocking to tainting the river. These filthy actions will affect the cycle including the part where the water slithers into the ocean, then evaporates and then later on rains. These problems are mostly caused by farm animals that spreads it’s bacteria through saliva, piss and faeces. Animals alone are not the only problem, factories deposit it’s liquid or solid waste onto the river affecting it.

How to prevent a river contamination, you may place fences to repel all animals from doing their business on a nearby river. You may also persuade the factory workers personally or placing a sign reminding and creating awareness of the disadvantages of having a dirty water source. This tactic prevents and help New Zealand keeping its water supply on a reasonably slow pace.

  • Groundwater is a very crucial water source.
  • Water’s are reliable liquid that we use in our everyday needs.
  • The water cycle preserves the water from being scarce.
  • Water contamination is a huge issue which affects large quantities of water making them pointless.
  • Water has been in Earth for as long as the dinosaur to the first living organism.

How pollution and contamination affects our water supply?
Theory:  When rubbish and water makes contact the water will be contaminated making it pointless because we humans cannot consume dirty water due to dreadful and deadly viruses and diseases and use it to clean something.

Where does drinkable water come from?
Most sources of water is gained through rivers, streams, lakes, springs, dams and rainwater off the roof this method is plausible because of Groundwater Aquifers.

What are Aquifers?
Aquifers are an underground area in which collects surface waters and converts it into groundwater.

How does Aquifers filter out the dirty water from surface water?
Groundwater or Underground Aquifers. This method produces drinkable water acquired from surface rain. Which slithers through soils and rocks filtering it making it drinkable and clean, This process fills up the pores between sand grains or the cracks on rock.

What is the main issue that causes water shortage in New Zealand?
Although the water cycle allows waters around the world to never change in quantities and quality. The water usage amongst humans has impacted a huge amount of waters. The main issue of water shortage in New Zealand are mostly by farmers using it for crops, feeding cows (More population means more water needed) and waters that make contact with animal waste that then slides down into a river contaminating the whole river supply.'

What is the water cycle:

First the sun evaporates the water from oceans, rivers and lakes. Then some of the water rises into the air as vapour which then becomes into water droplets in clouds. Eventually, the colder temperatures affects the clouds forcing it to drop rain, hail or snow. Some of the dropped water, hail or snow makes its way back to the river or ocean. Doing the process over and over again.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Holy Weeks


Holy Week:
Holy week is a marvelous and special week that represents the events that had occurred to Jesus from him being greeted and praised on Palm Sunday leading to the crucifixion. This week begins on Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

Jesus being saluted by his followers with palms upon the arrival of Jerusalem. Later on, commanding his followers to burn the palms.

His followers

Palm Sunday:
Excited about the fact Jesus is arriving to Jerusalem.

Easter Sunday:
People are happy and sad at the same time because it is the death of Jesus yet the salvation of the human race.

Donkey is highly symbolic because it represents of humility and Peace
Palms signifies the symbol of peace and victory
Jesus will resurrect from the dead in Easter Sunday.
Palm are burnt for ashes.
The red and white in ashes signifies the blood and inconvenience Jesus went through for our sins.

What happens after Palm Sunday:
Thursday Last Supper
Washing off the feet Last Supper
First Eucharist Last Supper

Jesus drove out the people who were selling and buying temple.

WALHT: identify how Christians celebrate Holy Week.
Holy week is a sacred solemn week for Christians.
Through their liturgical celebration - people walk with Jesus and each of the events that he suffered during his final week on Earth.’

This liturgies draw together, as followers as Christ. We are drawn as Te Whanau ta Karaiti into to these events. (Stations of the Cross). As if each one of us were actually there. By being part of the activities such as stations of the cross, we are sharing the part of the life and love that Jesus himself gives us.  

Holy Thursday
Jesus and his friends gathered together, what we now know is the Last supper.
Jesus gives himself to them to all those who gathered for the last supper.
Jesus gives himself to the Eucharist.
He tells them, “Do this in memory of me.”
He gives his love Aroha in service model by washing of the feet.
He tells them, “Follow this example of loving service to serve others. ”makitanga

Good Friday
Jesus gives his love and life and on the cross.
He gives Mary to John as his mother.
He forgives all those who has sinned against him.
He reconciles them with God. (Jesus asked God to forgive people who has done wrong to him.)
He gives the gift of passing to them through death to life.

Pets explanation

  • Some pets are loyal and beneficial
  • They have a variety of of skills which ascended from their old primal instinct
  • Most of them are used to be a guidance to the blind or protection
Pets are animals that can become companions to people and are loved by their families. Some pets are either adopted or rescued from an organisation. Most pets are not adopted for their cuteness. Most of them can be beneficial and actually help people by protecting them, guiding them, catch pesky intruders and even some cases save people.

Dogs are a common household pet. There are lots of types of dogs categorised by their strength, agility and intelligence. Most dogs are bred depending of their qualities to make them helpful to society or hunting certain animals, they do this by using their brute bite strength, keen sense of smell and their primal instinct which descended from wolves. Some dog are used for military and safety purposes, they can detect explosives and illegal weapons. It is extremely crucial to take care of your dogs, which may cost you a lot of money and can be tiring. Due to excessive cleaning and grooming depending by the dog’s breed, exercising to keep them fit and training them so they can become obedient. But all this exhausting work will be worth it at the end.Image result for gabe the dog

Image result for cute cats
Cats, the rival enemy of dogs. Also known as felines. These cute, fluffy and chubby pets are mostly known for their reputation of making viral videos and cute photos in the internet. These felines are more capable than making a popular video and being fat. Cats can hunt pesky rats or mice lurking beneath the floor or in the darkness. All cats land on their feet upon landing which is an essential feature for them because they mostly climb in trees or ascend into tall buildings usually looking for food.

These two common pets are an advantage to humanity in lots of ways.  From being a wonderful companion to being used for military military purposes. Such as locating explosives or pinpoint illegal items during transport. Pets are truly valuable and crucial family members to every houses in the world.  

Walht: To add the structures and features of an explanation.

Theseus and the Minotaur

The secret life of an Estuary

We are learning to identify and discuss the main ideas in text.
... Wampool, Solway Estuary, ...File:River Nith estuary.jpg
Caption: These 2 examples shows estuary merging salt and fresh water.

What is an Estuary?

Estuaries are funnel like routes that are filled with a lot of dissolved soil and nutrients which are crucial amongst the living organisms found on the Estuary. These Estuaries also allows saltwater and freshwater to merge from river and sea. Only small amounts of river water that are merged ventures onto the sea.

How does Estuary impact the environment?

The dissolved nutrients found inside the Estuary are crucial very crucial to the food web or food chain. This chain is a list of living organism connected to present’s each of the animals preys and predator. The plankton on the estuary will consume the fresh nutrients and then migrates onto the sea. Devoured by small little fishes and then get’s eaten by a larger life form. Then someday we humans and other aerial animals may feast on those animals.

Image result for food chain
Caption: This is an example of a food chain or food web

What was the purpose of what the author wrote this for?
The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. The main idea may be stated or it may be implied. sentence of the paragraph.

Main Idea:
That we have to make the right choices. If we make a horrid mistake it might lead to dire consequences.

Major Supporting Idea:

The symptoms of doing the wrong things and the benefits of a clean estuary.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

How to make cookies!

Image result for cookies with no chocolate

  • Small and Large bowls.
  • Measuring cups
  • Measuring sets of spoon.
  • 2 Plates
  • Sifter
  • Knife
  • Blender
  • Cookie Cutter
  • Pasty Tray

  • Eggs
  • 1 Cup of flour
  • 3 Tablespoon of Butter

Dry Ingredients:
  • Sugar 3 Tablespoon
  • Cinnamon ¼ tsp
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Baking Powder ¼ tsp


  1. Sift in one cup of flour into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Get three tablespoons of butter, sliced to little pieces and blend.
  3. Pour in the dry ingredients (Place 3 Tablespoon of sugar, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of salt and ¼ of a teaspoon of baking powder all in a measuring cup.)
  4. Mix the dry ingredients with the flour and blended butter.
  5. In a much smaller bowl, crack and beat an egg until the majority of the egg mixed is yolk.
  6. Fuse the recently beaten egg onto the larger bowl, pressing it until it forms onto a lump.
  7. Clear out the table and then continue by drizzling flour to the table and the rolling pin.
  8. Flatten the dough and cut it with cookie cutters. Any shape and sizes will do.
  9. Place your moulded dough on top of a tray.
  10. Pop your tray inside an oven and heat it up to exactly 180 celsius for 10 to 15 mins or until golden brown.